Corangamite Region   'Brown Book'   - How to optimise your soils to enhance productivity
Case Study
Evaluating alternative fertilisers for pasture and crops
Source:  Nicholson, C. (2012)
Evaluating alternative fertilisers and biological products for pastures and crops.

Woady Yaloak Catchment Group
The Woady Yaloak Catchment Group evaluated a range of alternative nutrient sources for their effect on crop and pasture production and soil conditions over a three year period. Testing of alternative fertilisers and soil biology did not provide conclusive evidence that any organic product increased soil health or soil carbon. Small increases in production were observed with the manure treatments.

Pig manure
  • Small increases in pasture and crop production
  • Proved to be a cost effective alternative to traditional fertiliser
Poultry manure
  • Small increases in pasture production but no increase in crop yields
  • Proved to be a cost effective alternative to traditional fertiliser
Worm casts with lime
  • Dry matter responses were recorded in some years and at some sites, especially on pasture sites
  • Unable to identify if responses are due to the lime alone
Composted products
  • No significant dry matter or grain yield responses were recorded
Seasol & Powerfeed
  • No significant dry matter or grain yield responses were recorded
  • No significant dry matter or grain yield responses were recorded
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This project is supported by the Corangamite Catchment Management Authority, through funding from the Australian Government�s Caring for our Country

Page Updated: September 2013
Produced by AS Miner Geotechnical