Erosion  and Landslide Resources in the CCMA Region   
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Map and Data Disclaimer

Inventory Maps
The landslide and erosion inventory maps and GIS data upon which they are based have been provided to the user as-is and without any warranty to their performance, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose.

The purpose of this data is to interpret the location and extent of erosion and/or landslides. The resulting features are indicative only. While all care has been taken to record data as accurately as possible, the data custodians do not guarantee that the data is accurate, up to date, complete or suitable for any purpose. The data custodian’s liability for breach of any statutory warranty is limited to replacing the information or supplying equivalent information. The data custodians disclaim all other liability for all loss, damage, cost or expense incurred by any person as a result of relying on the data.

Dahlhaus Environmental Geology P/L and A.S. Miner Geotechnical as custodians do not represent or warrant that the GIS Data or the data documentation are error-free, complete, current, or accurate. The user is responsible for any consequences resulting from their use of the landslide inventory maps and GIS data upon which they are based or the user’s reliance on the landslide inventory maps and GIS data upon which they are based. The user should consult the data documentation to determine the limitations of the GIS Data and the precision with which the GIS Data may depict distance, direction, location, or other geographic features. If the user transmits or provides the landslide inventory maps and/or the GIS data upon which they are based (or any portion of it) to another user, the inventory maps and GIS Data must include a copy of this disclaimer.

Susceptibility Maps
The landslide and erosion susceptibility maps and GIS data upon which they are based have been provided to the user as-is and without any warranty to their performance, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose.

The purpose of these maps is to interpret the location and susceptibility of both existing and potential landslides. The resulting susceptibility classes are indicative only. While all care has been taken to record data and produce a susceptibility model that is as accurately as possible, the data custodians do not guarantee that the data or the susceptibility model is fully accurate, up to date, complete or suitable for any purpose. The data custodian’s liability for breach of any statutory warranty is limited to replacing the information or supplying equivalent information. The data custodians disclaim all other liability for all loss, damage, cost or expense incurred by any person as a result of relying on the data.

The University of Ballarat and A.S. Miner Geotechnical as custodians do not represent or warrant that the GIS Data, susceptibility maps or the data documentation are error-free, complete, current, or accurate. The user is responsible for any consequences resulting from their use of the landslide susceptibility maps and GIS data upon which they are based or the user’s reliance on the landslide susceptibility maps and GIS data upon which they are based. The user should consult the data documentation to determine the limitations of the landslide susceptibility maps and GIS Data and the precision with which the GIS Data may depict distance, direction, location, or other geographic features. If the user transmits or provides the landslide susceptibility maps and/or the GIS data upon which they are based (or any portion of it) to another user, the susceptibility maps and GIS Data must include a copy of this disclaimer.

Produced by AS Miner Geotechnical
Copyright 2007