- Soil Health Strategy for Corangamite Region (MacEwan)
 (315 KB)
- Land Resource Assessment (Robinson et al.)
[External Site]
- Landslides & Erosion - Background information for the development of the
Corangamite Soil Health Strategy (Dahlhaus Environmental Geology)
 (1.7 MB)
- Economic Analysis of the Corangamite Soil Health Strategy (URS – Cordina and Branson)
 (553 KB)
- Discussion Paper for the Further Development and Implementation of the
City of Greater Geelong Erosion Management Overlay - Draft Report (Clarkson & Miner)
 (241 KB)
- EMO Implementation for The City of Greater Geelong -
Progress Report (AS Miner Geotechnical)
 (107 KB)
- Discussion Paper for the Review and Implementation of the Colac Otway Shire Erosion Management
Overlay - Final Draft Report (Clarkson & Miner)
 (154 KB)
- Corangamite Soil Health Strategy – (discussion paper)
Evaluating the public benefit from the soil health actions. (Dahlhaus
Environmental Geology)
 (433 KB)
- Economic Analysis of the Corangamite Soil Health Strategy
(URS – Hamilton and Branson)
 (745 KB)
- Corangamite CMA Landslide and Erosion Database (Feltham)
(2.3 MB)
- The Determination of On-Ground Actions for CSHS Target areas and Sites (AS Miner Geotechnical)
 (661 KB)
- Field Verification of Relative Risk to Asset Rankings for Erosion and Landslides in
Landscape Zones in the CCMA (AS Miner Geotechnical)
 (12.8 MB)
- Corangamite Soil Health Strategy - Identifying processes threatening assets and setting priorities.
Background report (University of Ballarat)
 (1.4 MB)
- Corangamite Salinity Action Plan 2005-2008 (Nicholson et al.)
 (7.4 MB)
- Options for the Introduction of Erosion Management Tools into the Greater Geelong
Planning Scheme (John Keeaney)
 (55 KB)
No reports available at this time.